A Tiny Apt. is a weekly newsletter about personal style, spaces, and ultimately navigating life and our homes through change and challenges—be they square footage or otherwise.
It’s also about seeing small/unconventional things more expansively, with more wonder. And, in the process, discovering a perspective about home and style that is truly yours.
Every week, Christene writes to thousands of faithful subscribers from her own tiny apartment about everything from gutting closets, to unexpected design upgrades, to Tiny Kitchen Week, to custom playlists, to wild thrifting adventures, to the buildout of a 650-square-foot straw-panel cottage in Upstate New York...

the latest...
A Tiny House Photo Album
What Makes a Tinier Home So Amazing?
On Being Your Own Center
My Summer Skincare, In A Nutshell
If I Still Worked In An Office
2024's Skinny Belt Renaissance